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CEA CAPA马德里,西班牙指南


马德里, 西班牙 领导

Silvia Martínez
Program Director, 马德里

Silvia Martínez确保在马德里维持所有CEA CAPA标准. 西尔维娅监督所有的教育项目, 包括短期和长期的项目规划, 产品, and services, 并维持马德里的财政计划. 她还负责学生服务, host institution relations, local vendor relations, program improvements, 和工作人员.

Silvia was born in Cádiz, South of 西班牙, 但一直与美国文化和英语有着密切的联系. She lived in a U.S. 他在海军基地工作了两年,在美国有很多亲戚.S. 西尔维娅曾在西班牙学习和工作, 英格兰, 和加拿大在行政管理领域的合作, 旅游, and study abroad. She interned at an Irish Building Society in 伦敦 and worked in a Canadian study abroad company leading groups of Spanish students in Toronto.

在2002年加入CEA CAPA之前, Silvia worked at the North American Universities and 机构s Centre at the University of Alcalá de Henares for two years.

她拥有阿尔卡莱大学旅游管理学位. Silvia speaks Spanish and English fluently and has studied French and German for several years.

Alicia de la Peña Portero
Academic Director, 马德里

Dr. Alicia de la Peña是CEA CAPA马德里中心的学术事务主任. She is responsible for the administration and supervision of all academic aspects of 马德里 programs including curriculum development, academic policies compliance, 教师培训和学生指导. 艾丽西亚从事高等教育工作超过25年, both as a professor and in different managing positions such as Director of Professional and International Projection and Director of Modern Languages Institute for Nebrija Univerity (马德里) or Resident Program Coordinator for CIEE 马德里. She gained her doctorate in Education from Autónoma de 马德里 University for her research on academic literacy, collaborative writing, and formative evaluation. 艾丽西亚的教育背景还包括两个硕士学位.A. from Nebrija University, one in the Teaching of Spanish as a Second Language and another in Applied Linguistics, 和B.A. 马德里大学Autónoma英语语言学硕士. She was 10 years old when she had her first life-changing study abroad experience in 爱尔兰; then Canada and US followed. Alicia strongly believes that experiencing different places and cultures is essential to gain global perspective, 提高自我认识,促进个人和职业发展.


马德里, 西班牙 Team

阿尔瓦罗·J. Sanjuan
宝博体育 & Student Services Coordinator

阿尔瓦罗·J. Sanjuan主修英国文学, History and Linguistics at University of Oviedo (西班牙) and continued his studies on Applied Languages at 都柏林 City University (爱尔兰). After being an Art History professor in UNIPEC in Burgos (西班牙) he worked as Web Manager and Community Manager until he began to collaborate for several years as a tour guide with CEA CAPA 马德里 where, 最终, 他于2016年成为学生服务顾问,并于2022年成为宝博体育协调员. Alongside his work, he has conducted research on the history of the LGTBQ+ community and authored a book titled "Grandes Maricas de la Historia,该书于2022年由企鹅兰登书屋出版. He loves arts, history, opera and classical music and also running and outdoor sports.

Angi Díaz Pérez
Senior 住房 Assistant

Prior to joining CEA CAPA, Angi曾在不同城市和国家的旅游部门工作, 她在哪里获得了住房和客户服务方面的经验. Angi拥有西班牙Cádiz大学的旅游学士学位。. 她在葡萄牙伊拉斯谟项目中度过了最后一年的学位学习. 她还在苏格兰生活了四年, where she learned English and had the chance to discover and learn from people from all over the world. She is a kind, friendly, and responsible person that loves travelling, nature, and outdoor sports.

Dana Nutter
Student Services Assistant
Dana是加州出生的马德里居民,已经18年了, 并通过CEA CAPA项目第一次了解马德里, is in a unique position to provide the best experience for students while sharing real-life tips on what it’s like to get adjusted to life in 西班牙. 作为一名前语言教师和终身语言学习者, Dana hopes to motivate students to not be afraid to challenge themselves while they are studying abroad. 戴娜已婚,有两个孩子,喜欢骑自行车和旅行. 
丹妮拉一个. Collazos Galindo
Program Assistant

Daniela colazos是CEA CAPA马德里中心的项目助理. Daniela performs all duties related to office services and provides informative documentation to guide and assist students to adapt and enjoy the city and the culture. 此外,她还协助学生报到的各个方面, 远足, 与健康问题有关的问题, and cultural activities. 丹妮拉获得了语言硕士学位, 读写能力, 和新墨西哥大学的社会文化研究. Before moving to 西班牙, 她在阿尔伯克基度过了生命的最后九年, 作为一名国际学生来到新墨西哥, where 5 of those 9 years she worked at the UNM Global Education Office designing and implementing short-term programs for international students with multiple backgrounds, 包括来自墨西哥的土著学生和来自阿根廷的富布赖特研究员 & 哥伦比亚.

Marta Pacho Ásgeirsdóttir
住房 Coordinator

玛尔塔的职责是为学生提供住宿, 介于提供者和学生之间, improve housing options, 跟进学生的住宿经历. Additionally, the 住房 Department organizes activities within 马德里's neighborhoods to improve students' experiences, 帮助他们更多地了解城市和文化. 他们还帮助其他部门开展文化活动.

玛尔塔拥有马德里康普顿斯大学艺术史学位. 她感兴趣的领域是博物馆, cultural heritage, and architecture, 她通过各种课程专攻的领域. 她在国外学习了两个学期, 一个在丹麦,一个在卫斯理大学, 她在那里担任西班牙语课程的助教. 她还与达特茅斯学院的海外留学项目合作. 出生于雷克雅未克,在马德里长大, 她的身份是西班牙和冰岛两种文化的混合体. She loves travelling, visiting museums, 探索文化遗产和美食, 练习不同的运动, such as running.

Miguel Barreiro

米格尔负责协调烹饪班等活动, 参观博物馆和官方建筑, soccer games, flamenco shows and more, including trips to major cultural cities such as Sevilla or Toledo to ensure that students have a rich experience while in 马德里. Miguel is native to 马德里 but worked and studied abroad in the United States for eight years. In those years he obtained a B.A. in International Relations and Sociology/Anthropology and studied abroad in 智利 and Central America. During this time he learned the great impact studying abroad has for a students personal growth and development. His experiences abroad have motivated him to help others to have the possible experience abroad through.

Victoria Pope
Victoria is a native of Athens, GA, 毕业于佐治亚大学, 2014年毕业,获得传播学文学学士学位. Her spark for an abroad experience was lit in primary school when a student teacher taught her class French. 从那里开始,维多利亚希望追求家乡以外的生活. In high school, she embarked on a study abroad adventure with her history class and served as a volunteer abroad in Cardiff, 威尔士, for two summers. 在佐治亚大学完成学业后, Victoria taught English in South Korea for three years and learned some survival Korean. Later she moved to 马德里, a city she has called home away from home for the last five years. Through her international work she became interested in promoting global engagement at home as well as abroad with an overall hope of making global experiences more accessible for diverse populations. During her free time, Victoria can be found relaxing in a park and enjoying the company of friends she has come to call family in her new home. 


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