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CEA CAPA 都柏林, 爱尔兰 目录


都柏林, 爱尔兰 领导

Director of Regional Programs
凯蒂·科恩 comes to CEA CAPA with over a decade of experience in study abroad; she has worked at an international education organization, 在美国.S. 机构, and has served on the Board of AASAP/UK (The Association of American 宝博体育 Programs, UK). Katie holds a BA in American Studies from the University of Birmingham, in which she spent a year studying in the U.S. at the University of California, Santa Barbara – an experience which provides a solid frame of reference when connecting with students in 伦敦 today. Katie also holds an MA in Contemporary 文学 and 文化 from Birkbeck College, University of 伦敦. When not at our CEA CAPA 伦敦 Centre, Katie can be found serving her community in leadership roles as a school Governor and town councilor. Across all her endeavors, Katie brings a passion for widening opportunity and a strong belief in the transformative potential of education.
Alessandra Nania
Director of Program and Student Services, 都柏林
Alessandra has a degree in Tourism 管理 from 技术 University 都柏林, and served as the Operations Director for Rianta. She previously worked as the Incoming Programs Coordinator for USIT Travel for eight years, organizing tailor-made academic, 文化, and educational programs in 爱尔兰 with US colleges and universities. She also teaches Italian.
Darren Kelly, PhD
Academic Director, Career & Internship Programs

A 都柏林 native, Dr. Darren Kelly holds a BA in English and Geography and a PhD in Cultural Geography from St. Patrick’s College, 都柏林 City University. He developed and currently lectures on the Postgraduate Diploma in Further 教育 at Marino Institute of 教育, Trinity College, 都柏林. Prior to lecturing, Darren worked in a range of community development and educational organizations in 都柏林 and travelled extensively. His interest in study abroad began at age 17 when he spent a high school year abroad in Oxford, Ohio. He was a Fulbright Scholar in Residence in 2007-2008 at Beloit College, Wisconsin. Over the past 10 years, Darren has increasingly focused his work (teaching, 咨询, and publishing) in the area of linking academic theory and field studies in international education and study abroad. During his time with CEA CAPA, he has developed a research interest in the area of inter文化 intelligence and self-reflection as related to students’ personal and professional development.


都柏林, 爱尔兰 Team

Anne-Marie Howlett
Program and Student Services Coordinator, Internship Lead

Before her current role at CEA CAPA, Annie worked as a manager and program coordinator in 都柏林 for a number of NGOs in the homeless sector. She holds a BA in Fashion Design and a diploma in addiction studies.

Margot Kavanagh
Program and Student Services Coordinator, Academic Lead
Margot joins the CEA CAPA team as a former international student from the U.S. who has made 都柏林 her second home for more than five years. She completed both her undergraduate and postgraduate studies at Trinity College 都柏林 where she recently earned an M.Phil in Digital 人文学科. Before moving to 爱尔兰, she grew up on the Maine seacoast with a curiosity for travel, 艺术, 和文化. 今天, she is eager to share what she has learned from her own experiences by working with students who are just as eager to learn and grow from an international education and inter文化 encounters in 爱尔兰 and beyond. 
Seán Harrington, PhD
Assistant Director of 学者
Dr. Seán Harrington is an Irish academic and has been working in study abroad for over eight years. He has held positions with ISA, EUSA Academic 宝博体育, and most recently with Boston University as the Academic Director of their 都柏林 Programs. Prior to that, Seán lectured in film studies, critical theory, and psychoanalysis for just over 11 years in Irish and British universities. His research areas have been similarly interdisciplinary and diverse, covering topics from the animation of the Walt Disney Company to the weird fiction of H.P. Lovecraft. Having joined CEA CAPA, he is excited to be contributing to the 都柏林 program and sharing in the organization's ambitions and success! 

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