


历史、政治 & 国际研究
2024秋季学期 马德里

历史、政治 & 国际研究 可用的会议

飞行信贷 获得价值高达 $1,250 当您在2024年6月30日之前使用代码*申请时


Delve into the interconnectedness of politics, economics and history at a global level. 随着世界各地民族主义的兴起, it’s increasingly important to develop an understanding of the nature of interactions amongst people, 文化, 以及全球范围内的国家.  在这些领域和更多领域提供课程, you’ll study these important topics alongside Spanish and international students on the Getafe Campus at the Universidad de Carlos III de 马德里. 


  • 概述
  • 地点:
  • 马德里
  • 日期:
  • 8/26/24 - 12/21/24
  • 价格:
  • $19,995
  • 学分:
  • 12 - 15
  • 最后期限
  • 申请:
  • 还在营业
  • 撤销:
  • 6/14/24
  • 应用程序需求
  • 完整的应用程序
  • 文字记录-非官方
  • 网上申请费$95
  • 项目参与协议
  • 资格
  • 外语水平:
  • 所有级别
  • 教育
  • 大学1年
  • 最低
  • 2.5

马德里卡洛斯三世大学(UC3M), one of the leading higher education institutions in 西班牙, offers a range of courses to a culturally diverse population of more than ­­­­­­19,000名学生. You will be able to take courses in English with local Spanish students, 让您充分体会UC3M的学生生活.

马德里,您可以选择标准 CEA CAPA住房 或者安排自己的独立住房. CEA CAPA住房 assignments are based on availability and confirmation date; we make every effort to match your 住房 requests, but we can’t guarantee 住房 preferences.


You will enroll in 4-5 courses at 马德里卡洛斯三世大学(UC3M).  All courses are taught by Spanish faculty, but classes are taught in English. The Spanish culture courses are taught only to international students while all other university courses include both international and Spanish students. If you are at a High Intermediate level of Spanish or above you have the option to take courses in Spanish. Please contact a CEA CAPA Student 顾问 for more information.

All courses meet for 42 contact hours/3 US 学期信贷s*.  Students may earn up to 12-15 credits (up to 210 contact hours).  课程 may meet in the morning or afternoon, Monday-Friday.  Active learning components required by your courses may be scheduled for Fridays.

*UC3M awards credits based on the ECTS system and the majority of UC3M courses are awarded 6 ECTS credits. CEA CAPA推荐3u.S. 每6个ECTS课程的学期学分. These credit hour recommendations are based on the following conversion: 2 ECTS credits equals 1 U.S. 学期信贷.  部分UC3M课程可授予3个ECTS学分(1.推荐5个美国学期学分).  ECTS credits for each course are reflected on the course syllabus. Students are required to enroll in a minimum of 24 ECTS credits (12 US 学期信贷s) to comply with the program requirements. Please check with your home institution advisor regarding course transferability and credit hour conversion.

Prior to departure, you will select your preferred courses. You will be enrolled into courses based on their availability. It is in your best interest to have multiple alternative courses approved by your home university prior to your departure due to course availabilities. Please consult with your academic advisor at your home university on credit pre-approval guidelines.

Students receive a transcript from Universidad de Carlos III de 马德里 upon completion of their program.





The following courses have been confirmed for this term. 请注意, the host institution reserves the right to cancel or change courses without prior notification.

*课程 with an asterisk indicate that the course has been associated with multiple subject areas.
Please click on the course title to view additional subject areas and detailed course information.


走出去探索! 远足 are offered for most semester, year, and summer programs*. Semester students are typically offered between two to three excursions and summer study students are typically offered between one to two excursions. 你会收到一份旅行日程表 during 取向; here are a few day and overnight excursions we've offered in the past.

塞维利亚 & 加的斯

塞维利亚 & 加的斯

你在塞维利亚的日子从大师宫开始, 臭名昭著的斗牛场, 然后去了阿尔卡萨雷斯, 一座14世纪的摩尔人堡垒. Tour La Giralda—one of the world’s largest Gothic cathedrals and (allegedly) the final resting place of Christopher Columbus—before enjoying a fabulous lunch in a restaurant set in a former Arab bathhouse. Let yourself be amazed by the incredible buildings that line 塞维利亚’s narrow streets and small plazas. Spend free time relaxing at the popular Parque de Maria Luisa and Plaza de España, 配有喷泉和满是划艇的运河. You’ll also have time to take a pleasant stroll along the banks of the Gualdalquivir River.

在沿海加的斯, 欧洲最古老的持续有人居住的城市, 你会在维多利亚海滩放松一下, 被许多人认为是西班牙最好的城市海滩. 花一天的时间享受沙滩和阳光, 观看冲浪者, 探索加的斯风景如画的历史中心.



200年来, 托莱多 was the capital of medieval 西班牙; today it’s the capital of Castilla la Mancha, 堂吉诃德的土地. 被誉为“三文化之都”,“基督徒, 犹太人, and Muslims lived together peacefully; their legacy is a city filled with diverse, 令人印象深刻的建筑. Enjoy a captivating train tour to 托莱多’s most beautiful locations, 用当地的传说和历史故事讲述. Art lovers will appreciate 托莱多 as the home of El Greco, the world-famous Renaissance artist whose most important pieces can be appreciated in the city, 包括他的杰作, 奥加斯伯爵的葬礼, 陈列在圣托马斯的小教堂里. 托莱多 is particularly well known for its quality sword makers; many films, 比如《宝博体育》三部曲, 以托莱多制造的剑为特色. While students are welcome to handle and photograph the swords, you’ll need to start saving early if you want to purchase one of your own, 价格高达600美元. As many people consider 托莱多 the most beautiful city in 西班牙, get ready to have a remarkable experience on this excursion.



The first thing that’ll catch your eye in 塞戈维亚 is the massive 1,900-year-old Roman aqueduct that delivered water to this charming town until just a few years ago. 您还将参观Alcázar, an 11th century castle that’s rumored to be Disney's inspiration for the castle in Sleeping Beauty. The local cuisine is an experience in and of itself, particularly the cochinillo (a.k.a. 烤乳猪). 您还将有机会参观拉格兰哈, an incredible royal palace and grounds just 10 km from 塞戈维亚.



These morning trips allow you to explore other cities in the Community of 马德里, 参观了像阿兰胡埃斯这样的网站, 阿尔卡尔·德·埃纳雷斯, 埃斯科里亚尔和堕落谷.



This budget contains costs that you can take to your financial aid office. 请注意 that amounts may fluctuate; we’ve included a range of costs.

Federal law allows the use of financial aid to cover “reasonable” costs of study abroad including round-trip transportation, 项目的学杂费, 生活成本, 护照和签证费, 健康保险, 和更多的.

请注意 that all costs and charges listed below are subject to change without notice. With the exception of Program Price, all costs are estimates and may vary.



以下是您的计划的暂定日程安排. 请注意, dates and events below may change without prior notification. 购买机票前请联系中国民航航空公司.

You will receive a finalized itinerary once you arrive onsite.

Note: Additional cultural activities/excursions or required course-related activities may be incorporated into your final itinerary. You are advised not to make personal travel arrangements until you have the final dates.


Receive a $1,250 飞行信贷 2024年6月30日前申请

Get your flight credit code and access to 存折 in two easy steps. 与存折, 你可以跟踪你最喜欢的节目和课程, 保存航班积分, and watch videos on the destination you're interested in.


步骤1 / 2

2 / 2步骤

*提供你的流动电话号码, you agree to receive recurring text messages from CEA CAPA 教育 Abroad notifying you of important program deadlines. 消息和数据速率可能适用.

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