







项目 & 课程

If something happens and I can’t go on my program, can I get my money back?
如果你选择了可选的 CEASecure™ 在符合条件的情况下,您可能会收到退款. 访问我们的 政策 了解更多信息.


What’s included in the program price?
CEA提供全包课程! 住房, 学费, 食物的选择, 转移信用, 出发前和现场支持, 机场接送, 取向, 城市之旅, 短途旅行(不包括暑期宝博体育项目), 文化/社会活动, 健康保险, 而且更多的费用都包含在你的项目价格中.


Do you offer scholarships?
我们提供 merit, need, and diversity scholarships to students who are enrolled in CEA programs. 资格要求和奖励金额各不相同.  了解更多关于 东航奖学金.


How do I pay for my experience abroad?
有许多不同的 融资选择 参加海外学习和宝博体育项目. 在很多情况下, you can use financial aid to pay for 你的 experience abroad; speak with 你的 home school’s financial aid officeto determine whether financial aid can be used to help fund 你的 program. We also offer an interest-free payment plan to help you pay for studying and interning abroad. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 东航金融服务团队.


Can I room with my friend who is registered for the same program?
在你的课程申请截止日期之前, you’ll fill out a housing application form that includes 你的 roommate requests. 我们会尽力满足你的要求, 但住房是先到先分配的, first-serve basis… that means the sooner you submit 你的 housing form, 更好的!


Where will I live?
项目价格包括标准CEA住房选择. 取决于您的具体目的地和会话, 这些可能包括公寓, 学生宿舍, 或家庭旅馆. 在许多目的地, 我们提供额外收费的替代住房选择, 比如包饭的寄宿家庭.


What about a cell phone?
如《 项目参与协议, all students must have a working cell phone that can receive calls while abroad, 无论Wi-Fi可用与否. 这允许CEA在紧急情况下与您联系, and will help you stay in touch with those who may want to contact you.


What if I have special dietary, medical, religious, or academic accommodation needs?
我们鼓励您分享任何医疗状况, 饮食类型, 宗教信仰, 或学术住宿需求 & 健康档案和你的 网站专家. 这将帮助我们找到适当的支持您的关注.


What if I need medical care?
CEA现场工作人员可以帮助您 找个医生或药房 如果你感觉不舒服, 帮你预约, 和你一起去帮助解决语言障碍, 帮你报销医疗费用.


Can I go abroad before my program starts or stay after my program ends?
We expect that you’ll arrive on 你的 program’s designated start date (remember, 现场培训会议是强制性的). If you choose to arrive early, you’ll be responsible for 你的 own lodging and 机场接送. 如我们的 政策, you are required to stay until the end of 你的 program; early departure isn’t permitted. If you choose to extend 你的 stay in 你的 host country for personal travel, 住宿自理.


Can I travel in my spare time?
肯定! 事实上, we encourage you to get out there and explore the country and region surrounding 你的 host city. To ensure that 你的 dates don’t conflict with planned CEA excursions, 活动, 以及课程承诺, we suggest you wait to make travel plans until after you arrive on-site and encourage friends and family who want to visit to come at the end of 你的 program.


How do I get to class and around the city?
CEA研究中心和办公室位于中心, while CEA housing and 合作伙伴机构 are conveniently located throughout our host cities. 所有这些都提供方便的公共交通工具. 在大多数情况下, it takes from 20 to 50 minutes to get to class or 你的 internship using public transportation.


Do I need a passport or visa to study abroad?
宝博体育或宝博体育确实需要护照. The application process can take a few weeks—and some of our 合作伙伴机构 require 你的 passport info at least 45 days before classes start—so apply for/renew 你的 passport ASAP. Depending on where you study or intern abroad, you may also need a visa. While it’s 你的 responsibility to research and obtain the documentation you need for 你的 passport and visa, 你的 CEA现场专员 会帮助你完成这个过程吗.


Will my credits transfer?
It’s completely up to 你的 home institution to decide whether credits earned abroad will transfer to 你的 degree program. 在您的课程开始日期之前,我们要求您填写一份 顾问批准表格 and work with 你的 advisor to determine how credits taken abroad will transfer to 你的 degree program. (我们将提供详细的课程描述, 接触时间, 教学大纲, 以及各门课程的推荐学分.我们和不止一个人合作过,000 universities and colleges to successfully transfer and translate credit for coursework completed in CEA programs; our 网站的专家 是来回答你或你的导师的任何问题的吗.


What are CEA’s GPA requirements? If I don’t have the minimum required GPA, can I still apply?
GPA requirements vary by program, and are set by CEA and our 合作伙伴机构. 课程最低要求通常在2个之间.5和3.0; if 你的 GPA doesn’t meet the minimum for 你的 program, you may still be eligible. 和你的同事讨论你的选择 CEA招生顾问.


How do I choose a program?
需要指导? 联系你学校的留学办公室和你的朋友 CEA招生顾问; they’ll help you choose a program that meets 你的 academic, 职业生涯, and personal interests; answer 你的 questions; and guide you through the application process.


我在INTERNSHIPS. Where will I be placed and will I be with other students?
Our internships are primarily with small- to medium-size companies and organizations based in our CEA study center city locations. Working with smaller organizations provides you with the opportunity to integrate and gain deeper experience than what you would likely get at a large multi-national. 你可能是你所在组织里唯一的学生, which opens the door for you to truly become part of the team with whom you’ll work. 了解更多关于 你对宝博体育有什么期待?


Can I volunteer abroad?
是的! 在我们的大部分地区, we offer non-credit-bearing volunteer opportunities that allow you to give back to 你的 host community while engaging with local culture.


Are internships available?
我们提供 credit-bearing宝博体育 在世界各地的城市. Our partnerships with local businesses and organizations help us find the right placement for 你的 interests and goals, 而学术成分提高你的全球竞争力. 国际宝博体育是建立个人履历的好方法, 获得适合市场的技能, 并在宝博体育的同时促进你未来的职业发展. 探索你的宝博体育选择...


Where will I take classes, and who will I attend class with?
这取决于你选择的课程, 你可以在CEA学习中心上课, 我们当地的合作机构之一, 或两个. At CEA研究中心,你将和其他CEA学生一起上课. 在我们 合作伙伴机构, 你将和其他CEA学生一起学习, 其他国际学生, 在某些情况下, 当地的学生. 你的 网站专家 会告诉你更多关于你的项目的细节吗.


Do CEA programs have language requirements?
项目 with a foreign language component may have a language requirement, 但CEA也为完全初学者提供课程. 如果你的课程有语言要求, you’ll take a placement exam before 你的 program starts or shortly after arriving on-site to determine 你的 language level. Check the Eligibility Requirements section of 你的 program to determine if language proficiency is required.
