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保持精神 & 留学期间的身体健康


保持精神 & 在西班牙留学期间的身体健康 

开始… 宝博体育 旅程中 西班牙阿利坎特 没有什么是变革性的吗. 不仅是个人上,身体上也是. 我发现自己沉浸在文化和冒险的挂毯中. 然而, 在探索新大陆的兴奋中, I further explored myself 和 the importance of maintaining both 身体健康心理健康 在国外. 

A 宝博体育 student in a white lab coat staring into a microscope

我身份的一个重要方面是我对生物学的热爱. This is a photo from one of the University of 阿利坎特 biology laboratories, in which we were viewing a sample from the cells within our cheeks. This has been one of my favorite classes 和 I have enjoyed using the university's high-tech laboratory equipment.  

Staying true to my identity as a Women’s Varsity soccer player at Hamilton College, I made it a priority to prioritize physical fitness during my time in 阿利坎特. 我是否去海边跑步, 去学校体育馆, or worked out with other peers in my 东航卡帕 宝博体育 group, 我发现自己喜欢它的每一分钟! Incorporating outdoor runs 和 gym workouts not only kept me physically fit but also provided a sense of routine 和 balance amidst the excitement of new experiences.  


我以前从来不用自己做饭, 所以我在国外的一个目标就是学习如何烹饪, 我的两个室友帮了我很大的忙, 艾琳和布雷顿, 我几乎每天晚上都自己做饭! This dish is chicken parmesan with pesto pasta, one of my favorites. 

我也继续我的爱好,冥想和瑜伽. This was something I started before traveling abroad 和 was something that I made a goal to continue. 这个爱好确实是一种基础力量, allowing me to center myself when I needed a mental or physical break. Some of my favorite memories from 阿利坎特 involve practicing yoga 和 meditation on Postiguet Beach at sunset as I have never felt more at peace.  

A 宝博体育 student similing at the camera st和ing on a s和y beach with buildings in the background

贝尼多姆的海滩,当地的一个城市. Going on local excursions has been so fun, especially when the views are so amazing. One of my favorite activities is seeing the sunset on the beach, where I often like to meditate or practice yoga during to find tranquility.  



El Campello,一个我和朋友坐电车去的小镇. 海水令人窒息。.  

Beyond my goal of maintaining 和 advancing my physical fitness, 我也把挑战自己作为一个目标. Specifically, I wanted to challenge myself socially 和 push myself out of my comfort zone. 虽然一开始的过渡并不容易, I made it a point to embrace the new culture 和 immerse myself in my new surroundings. I think this was the best decision I made for myself as it was so rewarding.

Study abroad students walking down a walkway with a city in the background

My roommate, a friend, 和 I hiked the Castell de Santa Bàrbara in 阿利坎特. At the top of the castle, the views are breathtaking 和 perfect for taking new visitors to the city. 


From savoring traditional Spanish cuisine to engaging in conversations with locals, I've embraced every opportunity to immerse myself in Spanish culture. 我答应了每一个出现在我面前的新机会 见过的朋友 来自世界各地,我希望一生都能拥有.  


我在埃尔帕拉塞特雷斯托的早餐 & 早午餐,本尼迪克特鸡蛋配荷兰酱. It has truly been amazing trying all of the different Spanish foods here. 我特别喜欢 伊比利亚火腿.  

A group of 宝博体育 students st和ing together 和 smiling at the camera


My friends 和 I at a flamenco class taught by an instructor at Escuela de baile La Terreta. This was such a fun 和 educational experience as flamenco dancing holds significant importance in Spanish culture.

A group of 宝博体育 students smiling 和 looking at the camera in a darkened room

我最喜欢的运动之一是跳舞, 和 I have been drawn to the lively atmosphere of the local clubs 和 bars playing reggaeton music. This has been such a fun experience on the weekends that has allowed me to meet new people native to 阿利坎特 和 provide opportunities for cultural exchange. 

最后, I took advantage of my time abroad to sharpen my linguistic skills, 我最大的目标之一就是 西班牙留学. 通过与当地人的日常互动, 参加语言交换聚会, 参加语言课程, I've embraced every opportunity to advance my Spanish-speaking skills.  


I have always thought of myself as not very creative or artistic, 尤其是因为我喜欢科学和批判性思维. Becoming a 东航卡帕 Content Creator really pushed me to explore the creative side of myself. I have found myself seeing beauty in things I hadn’t always recognized; I love going to flower shops 和 local gardens to enjoy the beauty nature has to offer. It brings me serenity 和 helps me clear my mind when I feel overwhelmed or anxious. 

谢娜- Polsky 内容创作者-摄影师在阿利坎特吗, 西班牙, 目前在汉密尔顿学院学习.
谢谢你的评论! 你的评论必须先被批准




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