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宝博体育 远足 in 爱尔兰 - Adventures in Learning

by 莉莉坎贝尔
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在都柏林留学, 爱尔兰, was an unparalleled adventure that left an indelible mark on my personal and academic journey. 充满活力的城市, 历史悠久,充满活力, 为丰富的体验提供了完美的背景.  

From Classrooms to Cliffs: 宝博体育 远足 in 爱尔兰 


Embarking on our journey, we kicked off with the breathtakingly iconic Cliffs of Moher.

Participating in the Child 心理学 and Popular Culture of 爱尔兰 东航卡帕 留学项目 简直是例外. It offered a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application that deepened my understanding of 爱尔兰 和我的研究领域. 我的亮点之一 宝博体育 学期是精心策划的 东航卡帕出国考察.


那一天的美景超越了悬崖. The rolling green fields along the cliffs provided a peaceful ambiance.

我最喜欢的旅行是去 高威, which was an exhilarating escapade filled with breathtaking landscapes and memorable encounters. 置身于美景与文化之中, I discovered facets of myself that I didn't fully realize before—emerging more confident, 适应性强的, 具有全球意识.

Exploring the nightlife of 高威, 爱尔兰, was a lively and unforgettable experience. The city's bustling pubs and vibrant street performances created an electric atmosphere that seamlessly blended traditional Irish charm with modern energy. The trip unfolded as a celebration of Irish culture and camaraderie, 留下欢笑和分享时刻的永恒记忆.

A group of 宝博体育 students sitting on a rocky beach with bikes

在戈尔韦的第二天,我们来到了阿兰群岛, 我们在哪里跳上渡船,探索最大的岛屿, 伊拉克国家情报局铁道部, 在风景优美的地方骑自行车.

骑自行车大约 阿兰群岛, 在爱尔兰西海岸附近, was a breathtaking adventure where I soaked in the raw beauty of the landscape.



The brisk sea breeze accompanied with the simplicity of the islands allowed me to take in panoramic views of dramatic cliffs, 古代遗迹, 以及广阔的大西洋.


拥抱伊尼斯岛基利尼湾的美景Mór, my friends and I braved the chilly plunge into its inviting waters for a refreshing swim.

A standout moment during my 东航卡帕 adventure was undoubtedly our day excursion to Glendalough, a monastic settlement nestled amidst the emerald landscapes. Our journey through this ancient monastic settlement was a step back in time and stands as a testament to the country's rich history and natural splendor.

We hiked to the serene upper lake and surrounding mountains, enveloped in the tranquil surroundings and breathtaking views. The thoughtfully planned excursions by 东航卡帕 added an extra layer of adventure to my journey, providing an opportunity to unravel the rich tapestry of 爱尔兰's cultural heritage. It also served as a conduit for forging unforgettable memories with friends.


Following our bike excursion, we embarked on a hike to the ancient fort of Dún Aengus.

Every excursion highlighted the landscapes and historical sites that spoke volumes about 爱尔兰's past and present. It was more than sightseeing; it was an immersive experience that allowed me to deepen my understanding of the country while fostering lasting connections with fellow students.


回到都柏林, 大量的东航卡帕学生, 包括我自己, headed to Croke Park to witness the exhilarating spectacle of traditional Gaelic games such as hurling and football.

当我们穿越这令人惊叹的风景时, from the Cliffs of Moher to the monastic serenity of Glendalough, the bonds created during these adventures became as integral to the journey as the destinations themselves.

一群留学生摆姿势拍照My amazing group of friends in front of The Cliffs of Moher.

Beneath perfect weather, we explored the breathtaking landscapes through invigorating hikes.


The final 东航卡帕-organized adventure took us on a day trip to the enchanting monastic settlement of Glendalough. 

The 东航卡帕出国考察 not only broadened my knowledge of 爱尔兰 but also enriched my 宝博体育 experience. 

a group of 宝博体育 students posing for a photo in front of water and mountains

Our expedition through Glendalough led us to the stunning upper lake, where we savored packed lunches against a picturesque backdrop before embarking on our ascent up the mountain.

莉莉坎贝尔 2023年夏季校友大使在都柏林吗, 爱尔兰, 目前在密歇根州立大学学习.
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