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by 威廉Lammons
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秋天- 2022 - florence_william lammons_day旅行-比萨-紧身衣裤
A fashionable person posing in front of a statue outdoors at 米兰 Fashion Week
时装周结束时去米兰度周末. 在米兰看到了最多样化的时尚.

在意大利之后, mainly 弗洛伦斯 but visiting other cities in the country as well, I feel as 虽然 I have enough experience to comment on what it's like to study abroad in 意大利 as a gay person.

The intention of this post isn't to scare or discourage any members of the community from studying abroad anywhere, 更不用说佛罗伦萨了. 根据我的经验, I honestly think 弗洛伦斯 is one of the better cities for LGBTQIA+ people to study in. I did want to paint a better picture of what the experience would likely be for those looking into it, 虽然, 这样你就不会盲目行事了, 就像我一样. Being abroad has still been absolutely incredible and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

首先也是最重要的, 即使在佛罗伦萨这样一个被认为是进步的城市, I would highly discourage any member of the community from walking anywhere alone at night. 如果距离很近,可能是允许的. 否则, it could put you in danger as there are almost always a large number of people on the streets, 不幸的是, 有时你可能会受到街头骚扰. With most people, you can just pretend you don't hear them and carry on without any issues.

有时, 然而, people might want to follow you and ensure they get your attention; in those cases (and any time you may want or need to walk alone at night), 和一群人在一起要比一个人好得多. A lot of times people will try to get your attention just because they want a lighter or some money, but other times it is because they have an issue with how you are dressed and may even try to touch you or physically harass you. Again, no matter what, I recommend always traveling with a group of people if it is late at night.

Sidenote: most of my recommendations and cautions apply to heterosexual women as well, but I have noticed some differences in the way people treat heterosexual-presenting women and gay people. 例如, 我所有的女性朋友都经历过某种形式的摸索, 头发拉, 或者在佛罗伦萨公共场合主动进行性侵犯. For those of us who are gay or present as gay, our reality is often harsher. 比如,我就经历过有人朝我吐口水 discoteca. My lesbian friend was once shoved out of nowhere by a man in another discoteca. 然后我们为她辩护,缓和了局势, but that incident likely wouldn't have occurred has she not looked perceivably queer to this man.

An individual wearing a black turtleneck holding up a glass of wine while seated in a restaurant
我穿着高领毛衣在佛罗伦萨吃晚餐. I received the least amount of stares in this obviously but I had a white twill blazer on as well that drew attention to me while walking down the street.
穿着我经典的牛仔短裤在卢卡闲逛. They're on the shorter side so a lot of people stare when I wear them.

在你的每一天, 这取决于你来自哪里,你习惯了什么, your experience in public might not be that different from what you experience in 弗洛伦斯. 一般, I wear some slight crop tops and fitted pants; I wouldn't consider my style to be overtly provocative or anything, but it's pretty easily discernible that I don't dress as a stereotypically heterosexual man. Thus, I am stared at by 95% of the people I encounter in 弗洛伦斯. Older Italian men during the day will literally hold each other as I walk past as if I am a threat to them. 情侣们会停下来看我. Compared to my experience in Boulder, CO, the amount of glares I receive here has increased. I carry on with my day and continue to walk with confidence, as there really isn't any other option.

I've only had a couple instances where I've experienced confrontations from strangers in plain daylight. The main one that sticks out was when my best friend and I were on our way to shop near the Duomo and two teenage boys behind us started shouting swear words at us. We began walking faster until they started spitting, at which point we pulled out our phones. I pretended to call someone and my friend began recording them. 在那一点上,他们离开了,我们没有任何其他问题. 基于这些经验, 我建议随身携带充满电的手机, and trying to always travel with at least one other person as often as possible.

A person standing on the grass with an Italian architectural building in the back
Day trip to Pisa where I wore a bodysuit showing my chest and low-rise jeans with butterflies on them. I received a fair amount of stares in Pisa but nothing too crazy.

威廉Lammons 内容创造者-博主.
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