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February 01, 2023
by Rebekah Batu
Apartment views in Prague

Navigating Study Abroad in Prague with a Disability 

As a person who is visually impaired, I struggle with getting around no matter where I am, 但在一个陌生的环境中,这就更加困难了. 这是我急于宝博体育的主要原因之一. 在异国他乡航行已经够吃力了, 再加上我视力不佳,这就更加困难了. 然而,我知道我将永远后悔允许我的身份作为一个 student with a disability 阻止你去体验不可思议的、改变人生的事情 CEA CAPA Prague study abroad program. 所以,我把恐惧放在一边,头也不回地订了机票.  

Here are some worries that I had about studying abroad with a visual impairment that I overcame: 

Receiving disability accommodations in my classes 

当我第一次决定在2022年的8月到12月 studying abroad in the Czech Republic,我感到害怕,我不会在我的课上表现得很好. 这源于我的假设,我在国外不会得到和我在国内大学一样的残疾照顾. CEA CAPA had safety and support abroad 这超出了我的预期,并要求他们提供所需住宿的文件,以便他们更好地帮助我上课和游览. 我的教授们在第一天上课前就收到了这些安排的通知, 所以他们已经熟悉我的具体情况了而我不需要特意去确保他们熟悉. My stress was alleviated; I no longer had to worry about my disability affecting my learning experience just because I chose to take a semester of classes in a foreign country. 
Class field trip to Museum of Communism

Navigating a more inaccessible world 

The Czech Republic is not nearly as accessible as the U.S. 也许这个国家为弱视人士(或者根本没有视力)所做的最多的事情就是在公共交通工具的每一站都有声音提示. Besides that, the stoplights and pedestrian signs shut off at nighttime, 街道上是有裂缝的鹅卵石,很难在上面行走, 而且大多数建筑物的标志或电梯上都没有盲文. I learned all this on my first day, 所以我准备在接下来的几个月里,在我的日常通勤和短途旅行中,克服这些障碍. 我知道让自己熟悉这座城市的最好方法,就是做一年前我离开这里上大学时所做的事情:宝博体育. I did the same routes, again and again, 直到我可以像没有任何视觉一样去做. I also memorized street names, tram schedules, 以及我所能做的任何能更好地帮助我从一点到达另一点的事情. 很快,我就习惯了这个地方,把布拉格当成了我的家. 它不再是那个令人生畏、陌生的城市,它现在是我在这个世界上最喜欢的地方. 

Despite my doubts, I quickly adapted to life in Prague; Four days in and I felt comfortable communicating my disability with my professors and peers; four weeks in and I navigated Prague completely on my own; and by four months, getting around the city was practically muscle memory. 
CEA CAPA Excursion to Český Krumlov

Asking for help when needed 

作为一个自称独立的人,我通常会尝试自己解决问题. However, 有时,尽管我尽了最大的努力,我还是不能自己弄清楚(或看到)一些事情, 所以我没有别的选择,只能寻求别人的帮助. 

我妈妈经常告诉我一句著名的罗马尼亚谚语:“Cu rușinea mori de泡沫”,” which literally means, “with embarrassment you die of hunger.” Because of my glaucoma, she knew I needed assistance in certain situations, 所以她告诉我这些,这样当这些情况出现时我就不会感到羞耻. 当我在国外的时候,我意识到了这句话的真实性,并开始经常对自己重复这句话. If I needed help reading the menu at a restaurant, I told myself that with embarrassment, you die of hunger. 如果我需要知道我过马路是否安全, I told myself that with embarrassment, you die of (vehicular manslaughter). If I was lost and didn’t know how to find something, I told myself that with embarrassment, you die of (being nowhere to be found). In those four months, 我明白了母亲在我19年的生活中一直在说的现实——担心尴尬不值得牺牲我的幸福. 

The streets of Prague

Making up for what I lacked in sight 

我非常感谢我决定与CEA CAPA一起在布拉格留学. 它教会了我很多关于我自己和我周围的世界的东西. 虽然我不能完全体验捷克共和国的风景, I still participated in its culture, whether it came from tasting the food, learning the history, hearing the music, or even just by taking the morning tram ride to campus. 
Live music on the Charles Bridge

Rebekah Batu is the Fall 2022 Alumni Ambassador in Prague, Czech Republic, and is currently studying at Michigan State University.
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