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by 马修巴尔迪尼
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那是最好的时代... 事实上,那是最好的时光. 说真的,你会爱上的 阿姆斯特丹 和 布达佩斯. I studied abroad for a full academic year of 2018-2019 和 was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to visit both of these wonderful cities (both of which are new CEA destinations!).

阿姆斯特丹 is an incredibly beautiful city that most people don't realize is built in a labyrinth-shaped pattern of extensive canals right on the North Sea. I was able to visit 阿姆斯特丹 twice in total during my time studying abroad. 在阿姆斯特丹的历险中, 我参观了梵高博物馆, 体验了奇妙的公园, 在狭窄得令人难以置信的街道上巡游, 和 even visited the Keukenhof Flower Gardens right outside the city (pictured above). The Keukenhof Flower Gardens encompass the world's largest flower exhibition, 尤其令人激动,因为荷兰, 尤其是阿姆斯特丹, 以美丽的郁金香而闻名. I would say that out of the two trips to 阿姆斯特丹 going to the Keukenhof Flower Gardens was h和s-down the best part 和 a must-see for any traveler.  

Another enjoyable experience in 阿姆斯特丹 was visiting the Albert Cuyp market outdoor market. This was a huge walkway full of various shop merchants 和 food vendors, 包括原来的StroopWafel的所在地, which is actually a traditional Dutch dessert that has become extremely popular in 阿姆斯特丹. It is made from two thin, dough-like waffles with hot caramel syrup in the middle. 我建议在外面涂上巧克力. The warm waffles melt in your mouth, making each bite better than the last. Another food that I recommend trying is the fried cod with homemade tartar sauce. The cod has outst和ing quality 和 is deliciously flavored, making for a great lunch. 

However, a close second to the Keukenhof Flower Gardens was eating at FoodHallen. 高耸的天花板, 数百张桌子, 现场音乐, 热情的人群, 还有20多个食品摊贩, 这为品尝美食提供了一个有趣的氛围. Each vendor specialized in a few items 和 sold them for 7-9 euros. My friends 和 I ordered from different vendors 和 ate family-style. My favorite foods consisted of calamari fries, a burger, herring, Mexican street tacos, 和 poffertjes 甜点. 

布达佩斯 blew my expectations out of the water as soon as I set foot off the bus. I was expecting an old, run-down, dirty city, but I couldn't have been further from the truth. 按照清洁标准,布达佩斯是一座宏伟的城市. The city is extremely well-kempt, so it almost feels modern but still conveys that old city charm. The first l和mark I visited was the 渔人堡垒 Twilight, 哪个是仿照一座古老的中世纪城堡建造的, 最上面是马提亚教堂. The architecture of Fisherman’s Bastion was astounding, 和 the walk up was even more breathtaking. 山顶的教堂做工精美, 但真正的风景是教堂的结构和走向教堂的路. 


A must-experience activity when visiting 布达佩斯 is the famous bathhouses. I went to the Gellert Thermal Baths 和 was not disappointed because it is one of the leading natural hot spring spa baths in 布达佩斯. The bath houses have heated indoor 和 outdoor pools, 和 they are friendly for all ages. Additionally, steam rooms 和 cold baths are also present at the facility. Honestly, they are a great way to spend an afternoon with some newfound friends. 

The best major l和mark I visited while in 布达佩斯 was the Liberty Statue on the Gellert Hill right near the bath house I visited. Erected in 1947, the statue signifies the liberation of 布达佩斯 和 匈牙利 from the Nazi rule. It’s definitely a bit of a hike to get to the top of the hill where the statue is, 但是这个城市的景色是壮丽的. Alongside the 360-degree views of the city is the Liberty Statue itself, 这是一个令人印象深刻的壮举吗. 




关于布达佩斯的一个有趣的事实是多瑙河, 哪条是世界上最大的河流之一, 将城市一分为二布达和佩斯. Buda is the side which is commonly known for its wealthier inhabitants 和 includes the Buda Castle, 哪一个现在是一个著名的艺术展. 

The Danube River splitting the city into the Buda 和 Pest sides

阿姆斯特丹 和 布达佩斯 are two incredible cities that Europe has to offer 和 are the first two cities I recommend when asked where to visit first when abroad. The warm atmosphere of 阿姆斯特丹 with the narrow alleyways 和 uncountable canals make it a cozy spot for a short weekend trip or long-term study abroad destination. And 布达佩斯's vibrant nightlife 和 endless historical l和marks make it a must-see destination. 

马修巴尔迪尼 是2018年秋季, 2019年春季布拉格校友大使, 捷克共和国, 目前就读于蒙特克莱尔州立大学.
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