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Cultural Experiences while Studying Abroad in 布拉格

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Unforgettable 东航卡帕 远足 to Český Krumlov, 卡尔štejn城堡, & Kutna赫拉 

捷克共和国 是不是比大城市多了这么多 布拉格 和布尔诺. By 宝博体育 with 东航卡帕 I got the chance to explore outside of the city limits and see the beautiful historic sites of Český Krumlov, 卡尔štejn城堡, 和kutn Hora. 对东航卡帕的精心设计 宝博体育,我们沉浸在捷克文化中 传统的美食与当地人交流. From arranging accommodation to organizing cultural activities and 远足, 东航卡帕 ensured seamless and enriching 经验s that let us focus on academic goals while creating lifelong memories. 


View from within the castle over the town during the tour. 


的 trip to Český Krumlov was an unforgettable 经验. 到达, 看到镇上的鹅卵石街道, 丰富多彩的建筑, and medieval architecture felt like stepping into a fairytale. 位于南部地区 捷克共和国, Český Krumlov boasts the second largest castle complex in the nation. 游览城堡时, we wandered through its magnificent halls and ballroom, 爬上了塔, and took a behind the scenes look at the Baroque 的ater also housed in the complex. Filled with shops, cafés, and restaurants, we explored the town. A visit to Český Krumlov wouldn’t be complete without grabbing a trdelník in the Old Town Square and walking by the Vltava River. 

A group of buildings with red roofs on a cloudy day

View of the Český Krumlov Hrad from an overlook in town. 


我们的旅程从一段风景优美的车程开始 布拉格 到Zadní Třebaň小镇. 从那里, a guide took us on a beautiful hike through the Bohemian countryside to the 卡尔štejn城堡.



在14世纪的城堡里, a personalized tour walked us through its well-preserved halls and rooms adorned with medieval artworks and artifacts.


Stucco paintings inside the walls of the castle. 

In the warmer months the public is welcome to visit and 经验 宗教在国外 在圣十字教堂. A room dedicated to religious artifacts and precious relics and curated for King Charles the IV.


城堡里的正殿. Windows on either side of the throne made the Holy Roman Emperor, King Charles IV, look godlike. 

After the tour we ate a traditional Czech dinner at the restaurant Penzion U Adama then wandered through the quaint town at the foot of the castle. This day trip to 卡尔štejn城堡 was a great way to 在国外结交朋友 和另一个 宝博体育 学生. 

A group of 宝博体育 friends posing for a photo

Selfie with my 宝博体育 friends (Me- left, Lauren Thorburn- center, Kassandra Rodriguez- right). Without 东航卡帕 I wouldn't have made these life long friends. 


A 宝博体育 student standing on a staircase

Picture of my good friend Lauren Thornburn on the steps outside of the castle.  

On a beautiful day in late April 东航卡帕 organized a trip to the beautiful town of Kutna赫拉. One of the highlights of the trip was visiting the iconic Sedlec Ossuary, 也被称为骨教堂. This unique and eerie church is decorated with more than 40,000块人骨, 错综复杂地排列成艺术展示.


A view from the castle over the nearby hills and towns. 

从那里, 我们参观了意大利宫廷, 中世纪的银币造币厂, followed by a tour of the silver mines underneath the town.


View overlooking downtown Kutna赫拉 from the walkway next to St. 芭芭拉教堂. One can see the spire of St 玛丽's Church on Náměti and the copper cupola of the Italian Court coin minting factory. 

Finally, we took a quick peek into the gothic cathedral built for the patron saint of miners, St. 芭芭拉教堂. 


Close up on the exquisite gothic architecture of St. 芭芭拉教堂. 

在一天结束的时候, exploring the small towns in the countryside of the 捷克共和国 was one of the most memorable parts of my 留学项目 经验. 

格里塔·弗雷德里克·哈特斯 2023年春季前受奖人大使在布拉格吗, 捷克共和国, and is currently studying at College of William & 玛丽.
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