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How 东航卡帕 Helped Me Connect With My Host 文化

东航卡帕 远足 in 布宜诺斯艾利斯 Neighborhoods 

I captured photos all from excursions I participated in while 通过东航卡帕宝博体育. I feel so lucky I got to experience and learn from these events in the pictures and places below.


 The first event was a mate tasting at La Martina – La Casona, in the Belgrano neighborhood of 布宜诺斯艾利斯. Mate is a caffeinated drink made from sticks and leaves from the yerba mate plant. 这是一种传统的阿根廷饮料, and drinking mate plays a large role in Argentine culture as a social and bonding ritual. At this event, I learned about the proper way to prepare and drink mate. I also learned about the role mate plays in Argentinian culture and how it became much more accepted in recent years to drink mate, 尤其是在公共场合. 


The mate tasting at La Martina – La Casona.

Mate is traditionally drunk from a hollowed-out gourd, called a mate. A special straw, called a bombilla, is used to drink it. 吸管里有一个过滤器, 这样你喝马黛茶的时候, 你只喝了水, 也不是所有的叶子, 粉, 和树枝. A special thermos (or termo) is used to add 水 to the mate, without getting all the leaves wet. It's important to ensure that the 水 in this thermos is not too hot, or it'll burn the mate. 


The second excursion I had the opportunity to participate in was a dinner and tango night at El Querandí in the San Telmo neighborhood of 布宜诺斯艾利斯.


The dinner and tango show I attended at El Quarandí. The performers wore traditional tango outfits for this show. 

 At this show, I enjoyed a delicious dinner. 我的开胃菜是鸡肉肉馅卷饼, 鱼作为主菜, and chocolate and strawberry ice cream as a dessert. 然后, 演出开始了, 我还体验了一场真正的探戈表演, 还有一个现场乐队, and professional tango dancers and tango singers. 这绝对是一次奇妙的经历! 


a single couple dancing with a band member in background
A different dance from the show at El Quarandí. In this dance, it's only a single couple dancing together. 



A performer singing tango during the show at El Quarandí. 


最近, I went to another 东航卡帕 excursion at an authentic pulpería, 网址是Pulpería Quilapán, 也在圣特尔莫附近. Pulperías were traditionally gathering places where gauchos (nomadic horsemen from the Pampas of 阿根廷 and Uruguay) would gather to do things like trade, 准备食物和饮料, 买卖物品.  我参观了Pulpería Quilapán, which is one of the oldest pulperías in 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 建于1714年. 在这次旅行中, I saw many of the traditional features of the building, 比如酒吧周围的金属栏杆, 建筑原有的地板, and the original dumpster for the pulpería, which is a large hole outside that trash used to be burned in (many years ago).  



我们从零开始做肉馅卷饼, 所以我们用面粉做面团, 水, 石油, 盐, 和孜然, and we mixed up the ingredients to fill inside the empanadas. We each got one hard-b石油ed egg and part of a potato, and then we had the option to add green onions and beef to the empanadas. I made my empanadas with egg, potato, and green onions. 

After I made and rolled out my dough, I filled my empanadas and rolled the edges. 


My completed empanadas before I cooked them. 

 在下面照片的背景中, you can see the finished empanadas of one of my fellow students studying here with 东航卡帕, as well as the delicious lemonade we drank!


This photo is of my empanadas after being cooked.

These 东航卡帕短途旅行 taught me more about and helped me connect to my host city’s culture here in 阿根廷


莉莉麦卡锡 is the Content Creator - Photographer in 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 阿根廷, and is currently studying at California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo.
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